U.S.D. # 338 Valley Falls
Board of Education Meeting
November 11, 2024
6:30 P.M.
Unofficial Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President, Donny Smith, at 6:30 P.M. in the library.
Members Present:
Donny Smith, Kimberly Kirkham, Jami Heinen, Jesse Nickelson and Aaron Sprang.
Jami Heinen left at 8:13 P.M. and returned at 8:14 P.M.
Members Absent:
Caleb Clark and Jesica Clark.
Staff Present:
John Hamon, Dayna Lloyd, Susan Grey, Greg Morgan, Cheryl Brosa, Cary Brosa, Lori Peterson, Staci McGuire and Mandi VanGordon.
Visitors Present:
Cody McGuire, William Strickler, Grayson Coleman, Myles Reich, Sofia Fonseca, Lance Lewis, Jeanette Balboni, Doug Anderson, Evie Gatzemeyer, Jozi Heuertz, Caden Shankland, Amanda Gredzena, and Lisa Aranda.ADOPTION OF AGENDA
Motion by Kimberly Kirkham, second by Jesse Nickelson to approve the Agenda as amended.
There were no comments from patrons and guests.CONSENT AGENDA
Approved Board of Education Minutes of October 14, 2024 meeting.
Approved Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Warrants.
Received Keystone’s Board Meeting Minutes.
Approved Site Council Members for 2024-2025.
Received Site Council Meeting Minutes
Curriculum Coordinating Council did not have a meeting.
Approved Curriculum Coordinating Council Bylaws.
Received Recreation Commission did not have a meeting.
CTE Council Members for 24-25 will be reviewed in December.
Approved resignation from Angie Tillery as Elementary Teacher.
Approved hiring (Pending KBI and drug screen checks as follows):
Lillie Gast - HS Assistant Girls Basketball CoachReceived Principal’s Reports from Susan Grey and Greg Morgan.
Motion by Aaron Sprang, second by Jesse Nickelson to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Yes 5 No 0Information Items
Good News.
Middle School Social Studies presented their Egypt project.The Board received a thank you from the Harvey Family.
The Board received the Superintendent's report regarding Safe Schools Week, American Education Week, and Veterans Day presentation. Reviewed Board Goal 4: Develop and Maintain Capital Outlay Plan as well as Board Goal 7: Seek easy to improve the Financial Position of the District.
Board Committee Reports
The Board received a Keystone Learning update.
The Foundation did not have a meeting.
The Curriculum Coordinating Council did not meet.
Discussion Items
The Board discussed the Guidance Center’s school based services.
The Board discussed the purchase of a bus.
The Board discussed Keystone Learning Facilities.
The Board discussed health insurance for CalendarYear 2025.
Action Items
No action was taken on the Guidance Center school based services.
Motion by Aaron Sprang, second by Kimberly Kirkham to approve the bus purchase from Midwest Bus sales as presented not to exceed $135,000.
Yes 5 No 0
3. Motion by Kimberly Kirkham, second byAaron Sprang to approve a total amount not to exceed $4,000,000 Keystone Facilities with USD
338’s portion to be approximately 8.3 percent of the total cost to be paid out up to 10 years.
Yes 4 No 1, Heinen
4. Motion by Jesse Nickelson, second by Jami Heinen to approve the health insurance quote from BCBS for the Calendar Year 2025 as
Yes 5 No 0
5. Kimberly Kirkham read Resolution 11-11-2024 aloud. Motion by Kimberly Kirkham, second by Aaron Sprang to approve the Resolution
Adopting the Kansas Homeland Security Region K Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Yes 5 No 0
6. Motion by Kimberly Kirkham, second by Jami Heinen to approve the bid from Nathan Hofstra for the East Gym Wall Mats for the amount of
Yes 5 No 0
7. Motion by Kimbelry Kirkham, second by Jami Heinen to add Becky Nickelson to the ES/MS Activity Account as an authorized signor at
Kendall Bank.
Yes 5 No 0
9. Executive Session
Motion by Kimberly Kirkham second by Jesse Nickelson to go into executive session beginning at 8:31 P.M. to discuss matters of non-elected personnel that relates to performance and contracts for future potential contracts pursuant to the exception relating to personnel under KOMA, K.S.A. 75-4319 et seq to include John Hamon, Susan Grey and Greg Morgan. The board will reconvene in this room at 8:41 P.M.
Yes 5 No 0
The meeting was adjourned by the President at 8:43 P.M.