March 13, 2025
Anyone wanting to ride the pep bus to the game on Friday or Saturday, the cost is $12.55. For Friday's game, you need to pay by 3:30 today. You can pay tomorrow for Saturday's game. The bus will leave from the north side of the high school at 11:15 tomorrow. You need to bring money to eat after the game.
Anyone interested in trying out for Cheerleading next year, there is a Parent meeting on Friday, April 4th.
Seniors: Your senior, baby, middle and senior photos are due next Friday, March 14th to Ms. Ritz. Also senior sendoffs are due by March 28th also to Ms. RItz.
FCCLA members who borrowed a polo, please return them to Mrs. Ellerman.
The City of Valley Falls is now accepting applications for lifeguard positions for the summer season at the city pool. You must be at least 15 years old by May 1, 2025 and pass the Red Cross lifeguard certification class. Applications are on the City web site or call 785-945-6612. Applications are due March 21st.
Homework session is in Mrs. Craft's room for those students needing to attend. It is from 3:30-4:15.
2024-2025 Yearbooks are now on sale. They can be ordered and paid for anytime. Cost is $60 or $70 with your name on it.
Students: Please do not exit the building thru the Early Childhood Center doors at any time during the day.
Students with a Week 1 "F" need to remember to conference with their teacher and turn that conference paper in to the office. Homework session has began for students with a Week 2 and Week 3 "F's". Homework session time is 3:30-4:15.
Anyone interested in taking a CNA class this summer, please stop by the office for more information.
Today during seminar will be a Pep Rally
Anyone needing to see the trainer, please sign up in the office.
Thursday 3/13/2025:
Friday 3/14/2025: Dismiss at 12:00
Monday 3/24/2025:
Tuesday 3/25/2025: Lion's Quest
Wednesday 3/26/2025:
Thursday 3/27/2025:
Friday 3/28/2025:
Monday 3/31/2025:
Tuesday 4/1/2025: Think Before You Post Assembly at 2:15
Wednesday 4/2/2025:
Thursday 4/3/2025:
Friday 4/4/205: Cheerleading meeting at 3:10
Monday 4/7/2025:
Tuesday 4/8/2025:
Wednesday 4/9/2025
Thursday 4/10/2025: Sophomore Class Meeting
Friday 4/11/2025:
Tuesday 4/15/2025: Lion's Quest
Tuesday 4/22/2025: Lion's Quest
Tuesday 4/29/2025: Lion's Quest
Tuesday 5/6/2025: Lion's Quest
Federal law requires that all men register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday. Now, 17-year-old men can submit their registration information early on the Internet ( or by filling out a form at any post office. Selective Service registration is required to be eligible for a federal student loan, job training, most federal jobs and U.S. citizenship.